Week to Week 2/8/13
Week to Week
Gina Baleria, Assistant News and Social Media Director, KGO; Lecturer, Beginning Radio and Multimedia Content Delivery, San Francisco State University
Debra J. Saunders, Columnist, San Francisco Chronicle; "Token Conservative" Blogger, SFGate.com
Todd A. Vogt, President and Publisher, the San Francisco Examiner and the San Francisco Bay Guardian
John Zipperer, Vice President, Media & Editorial, The Commonwealth Club of California -- Host
Join us for food, discussion and some socializing! Our political discussion series returns in the new year to help try to make sense of the new Congress, Obama's second term, and all of the local, state and national issues that have the world vexed. Come enjoy the conversation as our panel discusses (and occasionally disses) the current affairs, plus our popular news quiz, and stick around afterward for some food and drink in the company of other informed citizens.
The Commonwealth Club of California
595 Market St.
San Francisco, 94102
United States

See speaker list at left