Congressman Joe Sestak: A New American Pragmatism
Congressman Joe Sestak: A New American Pragmatism
Member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-PA)
Despite efforts by the White House and his own party to drive him from the Senate race in Pennsylvania nine months ago, two-term congressman Sestak took on the establishment, and knocked off Senator Arlen Specter in a remarkable upset for the Democratic nomination. Sestak challenged Specter from the Left: The pro-choice Sestak has a 100-percent rating from NARAL; he supports cap-and-trade, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the expiration of the Bush administration's tax cuts.
As he faces what will likely be one of the most expensive Senate races in the country, come hear this headline-making congressman give his perspective on the inner workings of big-time politics, as well as his views on bailouts, health care and national security. A Philadelphia native, Sestak graduated second in his class from the U.S. Naval Academy and is the highest-ranking former military officer ever elected to Congress.
The Commonwealth Club of California
595 Market St.
San Francisco, 94102
United States
