Climate Change in Marin: The Inevitable Is Now
Predictions of rising sea levels, melting glaciers and increasing temperatures have filled the news for decades. But this is no longer futuristic forecasting. Scientists agree that climate change is changing weather around the world. How does this affect us on the local level? What is happening in Marin County and how are our local leaders tackling sea level rise, higher temperatures and an increasing risk of dangerous wildfires? Come hear from a panel of local leaders who are on front lines of addressing the challenges of climate change.
This program is sponsored by Relevant Wealth Advisors.
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Houseboats photo by Flickr user Miwok
Outdoor Art Club
1 West Blithedale Ave
Mill Valley, 94941
United States

Josh Fryday
Mayor, Novato

Kathrin Sears
Supervisor, California District 3 (Southern Marin)

Chris Choo
Principal Watershed Planner, County of Marin

Jason Weber
Fire Chief, County of Marin

Catherine Heenan
Anchor and Reporter, KRON News