Can We Maintain Peace in the Polar Regions?
This program has been canceled.
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Peace at the poles is an important economic and security issue that has been negotiated for decades. Recent tensions over resources and sea routes challenge these historic treaties. Ray Arnaudo will examine the history of Arctic and Antarctic international agreements and why the polar regions are crucial to the security and economic interests of the United States and the world.
Ray Arnaudo was the lead U.S. State Department negotiator during the early period of polar cooperation. He was the chair of the Arctic Council, the president of the American Polar Society, and a senior scholar at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He currently serves on the National Science Foundation Polar Affairs Advisory Committee and teaches at various institutes, where he infuses his well-documented presentations with humorous points—like why the black penguins go up the hill and the white ones come down. Mount Arnaudo in the Antarctic is named for him.
This program is in-person only. If you have symptoms of illness (coughing, fever, etc.), we ask that you either stay home or wear a mask.
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A Marin Chapter program. Chapters and forums at the Club are organized and run by volunteer programmers who are members of Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California, and they cover a diverse range of topics. Learn more about our chapters and forums.
Dominican University
Creekside Room
100 Magnolia Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
United States
Ray Arnaudo
Member, National Science Foundation Polar Affairs Advisory Committee; Former Lead U.S. State Department Negotiator; Former Chair, Arctic Council; Former President, American Polar Society
7 p.m. check-in, coffee and cookies
7:15 p.m. presentation
8:05-8:30 p.m. Q&A
(all times Pacific Time)
Free for students