Climate on the Brain
George Marshall, Author, Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change
Dacher Keltner, Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley
Abundant scientific evidence demonstrates that climate disruption is happening in all 50 states now and many Americans are directly experiencing impacts. Yet many people are failing to do all they can to reduce carbon pollution and build a resilient future. Are we mad? Or are we simply human?
While fossil fuels are challenges on many systemic levels – biological, economic, political, international – one of the most daunting obstacles is human cognition. Human brains are wired to detect threats such as tigers in the bush and are not well equipped for odorless invisible gases coming out our own tailpipes and pie holes.
Join us for a conversation about how extreme weather events could make us less concerned, not more. Does having children make people less concerned about climate change? What can people do to become informed and empowered?